Snow industry and climate change are allies in transforming the face of the mountains and making them no longer the place of nature and sustainable tourism but the place, too often, of degradation and abandonment. Overcoming the monoculture of alpine...
Passing through the places where the Basilian monks lived, the traveler will find himself walking through hills, villages, paths close to the sea and wooded mountains. This is the Basilian Way, made up of 44 stages (56 if we...
Getting lost in nature for many of us will be one of the first wishes to be fulfilled, as soon as the emergency has returned and we can return to the coveted normalcy. It will be a great conquest...
The Covid-19 pandemic marked a very difficult time for the entire world economy, but one of the sectors that suffered the most was undoubtedly tourism. The mobility of people came to a standstill as governments worked to prevent the...
In the last few days we have been talking about tourism and holidays for summer 2020. The beaches with their beaches and the mountains with their woods and paths are once again the destination of free time. Obviously the...
Designed for tourism through slow traffic and towards internal areas, normally not considered by traditional circuits, the Materano Way is a way to get in touch with all the resources of the territory: natural, historical-archaeological, cultural, food and wine resources and also...
Dante's Way is a ring route that runs through medieval roads and paths, linked to the life and experience of the poet's exile, which united Romagna and the Casentino. It is a naturalistic, cultural and literary journey; quotes and parts...
Mid-August is for a long time an opportunity to disconnect and take a break from work and from the pressing commitments of everyday life. Many choose to spend August 15 at the seaside but many more are those who...
For sea lovers, giving up the beach and swimming in the welcoming waters of our seas is truly unthinkable. The good news is that it will be possible to go to the beach. It will be, however, a summer...
Respect for the environment and sustainable tourism have become an inseparable pair, especially for those who, even on holydays, continue to have green behaviors, starting with the choice of destination up to the attention for they eat during the trip. Ecotourism means traveling in a...