In the last few days we have been talking about tourism and holidays for summer 2020. The beaches with their beaches and the mountains with their woods and paths are once again the destination of free time. Obviously the emergency has not ended, therefore maximum attention must be paid to safety.
The world of hiking, according to ministerial and government directives, is regulating itself to guarantee a holiday of fun and relaxation, but keeping the goal clear, keeping the risk of infection low. First of all, the Liguria region has created a handbook to guarantee safe excursions on the Ligurian paths in Phase 2.
With the title “Go safe for paths: vademecum for hikers and non-hikers”, the text was commissioned by the regional councilor Stefano Mai and from Monday 25 May will be made available on the Liguria Region website and on the Agriligurianet.it website, after being been shared with the trade associations and interested bodies.
“This is a very important document – explains the councilor – we have prepared a guide concerning the hiking network of Liguria (Rel) and the regional parks, so as to encourage compliance with the appropriate behaviors aimed at preventing the infection with Coronavirus”.
“The document Going safe for the paths is a complete guide, both for the use of the paths and the naturalistic areas, and for their management. For this reason we have also prepared the document called #iocamminosicuro which represents an extrapolated in which only the recommendations for hikers are indicated ”, Mai continues.
“Following the Covid-19 pandemic, people are rediscovering the importance of the link with nature and our beautiful territory – he continues – We expect that in the coming months, both residents and tourists will want to take advantage of the 4,546 kilometers of Ligurian paths for walks and excursions. For this reason, today’s document represents an important support for risk prevention, but also for stimulating tourism and the green economy of Liguria. “
“The text is divided into five parts. The first concerns hikers, with all the rules that fall within social distancing, to which are added the general precautions to be adopted in case of excursions and good habits of respect for the environment. The second part concerns the Mobile Safety App which allows you to be tracked in an emergency. The third deals with the best practices to be put in place for the fight against Coronavirus. The fourth and fifth, on the other hand, concern purely managers, therefore all the provisions relating to the maintenance of the paths and green areas, or the organization of the same to allow them to be used by the public “.
Liguria offers excellent food for thought and ensures a holiday in compliance with anti-Covid standards and the environment. With clear and precise rules it will be psychologically easier to think about organizing an excursion and a return to nature.
Some other useful suggestions come from Veneto. In fact, in addition to the risks strictly related to the pandemic, some possible inconveniences can be found as a consequence of the lockdown situation. The appeal comes from the Alpine Rescue Veneto: those who go along paths must keep their attention high, since, due to the Covid-19 emergency, normal maintenance of the trail network has not been possible in recent months.
Since many itineraries have been affected by the fall of plants or landslides, it is easy to lose orientation or find yourself in difficulty. For this reason, it is advisable to always follow the conventional signs and avoid variations and shortcuts and, if you realize that you no longer see the signs, you must retrace the path backwards.
It is important to be aware of the toponymy of the places where you intend to go and share with your travel companions and family members at least the name of the place of departure and arrival. This is useful information in case of any rescue, because the mobile phone can help, but we know that there is not always coverage in the woods and, in case of danger, it is always better to save the battery. It is also recommended to bring an extra mask and gloves in your backpack, together with the first aid kit, in case you find yourself helping other people.
With a little prudence and thanks to rules that are becoming clearer, we are free to return to our paths and our mountains!