A negative pregnancy test is the beginning of the end. It is a verdict without appeal on a summer morning. There are no nuances, especially when it is not the first one, especially when it is the exact same...
The inner landscape responds to the quality and complexity of an outer landscape; the shape of the mind is shaped by the geographical location of the individual as much as it is by genes. Barry Lopez By places we can...
Climate Talks, the series dedicated to climate change launched by the German Foreign Ministry around the world, also arrives in Rome. In the capital, it is the protagonist with a series of events including a film festival organised with...
If you walk down Viale Sarca in Milan, the road that once led to the outskirts of the big factories, you see the old Pirelli cooling tower caged inside an elegant glass and metal structure. It is a monument,...
Preparations are underway for the new edition of the World Festival of Theatre Against Climate Change: Climate Change Theatre Action 2023. The result of a collaboration between the New York-based Arts & Climate Initiative and the Canada-based Centre for Sustainable...
The waves of drought and heat characterized not only the last summer season, but also the autumn. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the scorching heat of summer 2022 caused at least 15,000 deaths in Europe: «Hot stress...
The word "resilience" comes from the Latin word "resilire" meaning to bounce back, to jump back. Originally resilience was spoken of almost exclusively in engineering as the ability of a material to withstand impact without breaking. Today, however, it...
For the "Alberology" column (or better "treeology", from the Italian "alberologia"), I had the pleasure of exploring with forester Antonio De Bona the link that unites trees, and nature more generally, to a discipline that is apparently somewhat difficult...
Art has always been a reflection of reality. The artists express their everyday life with their works, accentuating their particular conditions. The socio-cultural changes (and also climate, now) are reflected in the art that depicts the salient and most...
My research with forester and naturalist Antonio De Bona on the fascinating and mysterious world of trees continues. Today we want to take you on a journey to discover the many symbologies that have for centuries placed the tree...