A negative pregnancy test is the beginning of the end. It is a verdict without appeal on a summer morning. There are no nuances, especially when it is not the first one, especially when it is the exact same...
The call for entries for the 'Screen in Green' competition is now online on the website of the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition. This is a film and audiovisual competition set up at the instigation of the Ministry for...
For the "Alberology" column (or better "treeology", from the Italian "alberologia"), I had the pleasure of exploring with forester Antonio De Bona the link that unites trees, and nature more generally, to a discipline that is apparently somewhat difficult...
My research with forester and naturalist Antonio De Bona on the fascinating and mysterious world of trees continues. Today we want to take you on a journey to discover the many symbologies that have for centuries placed the tree...
Even poets are taking action for the climate. In fact, the "European Festival of Environmental Poetry" is returning to Rome, just as the UN summit on global warming (Cop26) is being held in Glasgow. The event, organised by the...
Green Week 2021, organised by Green Cross Italy with the Sardegna Film Commission and the patronage of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, was inaugurated on 6 September on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Green Drop Award...
Climate Talks, the series dedicated to climate change launched by the German Foreign Ministry around the world, also arrives in Rome. In the capital, it is the protagonist with a series of events including a film festival organised with...
REWILD is a social and artistic project dedicated to the themes of Climate Change which, over the course of a year, will tell a story divided into six chapters through as many artistic installations. Six different themes on which...
The waves of drought and heat characterized not only the last summer season, but also the autumn. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the scorching heat of summer 2022 caused at least 15,000 deaths in Europe: «Hot stress...
Looking for Italy's Cormac McCarthy. The Source, the literary competition that will choose the best Italian climate fiction short stories, is now underway. The initiative, promoted by Gruppo CAP, manager of the integrated water service for the Milan metropolitan...