Summer 2020, when the Italian beaches reopen region by region

Since 18 May it is officially possible to go to the beach, but not all regions have already equipped themselves for reopening. Find out all the dates by reading the article

© Dahee Son on Unsplash

For sea lovers, giving up the beach and swimming in the welcoming waters of our seas is truly unthinkable. The good news is that it will be possible to go to the beach. It will be, however, a summer different from the usual: beach umbrellas spaced out and to be reserved, continuous sanitisation of showers and cabins, free beaches with limited access and much more.

According to the latest Dpcm, access to beaches and bathing establishments has been allowed since May 18, respecting the maintenance of a meter of distance between people, of at least 10 square meters for each umbrella, a meter and a half between sunbeds or deck chairs. Team games such as beach volleyball are not allowed, while you can practice surfing, swimming and windsurfing and play rackets, always respecting the distancing measures.

The regions are launching the individual openings, but in no particular order, above all because of the difficulty of regulating access to the free parts of beaches and cliffs, avoiding gatherings.

In Liguria the beaches could open as early as 18 May, but it will take the plants a few more days to complete the set-up phase. In Genoa, the Municipality should reopen free beaches from next week for free and will activate an app through which you can see in real time the state of occupation of the beaches and book a place.

As for the Veneto region, the first bathers have already arrived on the beach in Jesolo. Obviously tourists from abroad have not yet arrived, but everything gives hope for the best, taking into account the fact that many have kept their reservations, hoping for the reopening of the borders shortly.

During the weekend of May 24, many bathing establishments reopened in various locations on the Tuscan coast. Bathing in Versilia and on the Pisan coast will be possible in compliance with anti-Covid standards. On the Livorno coast and in Maremma, where many factories are still closed for maintenance work; the first two baths have already reopened in Marina di Cecina and within a week, within the next weekend, all the others will also reopen.

Emilia-Romagna has set the official start of the bathing season on the Riviera on Saturday 23 May. For the consumption of meals, you can choose between an order with a delivery service with delivery for consumption on the umbrella-bed and the possibility of eating in catering areas that can guarantee the distance.

The Marches move towards the reopening of the swimming season from 29 May and in Abruzzo it is thought to reopen on 1 June. Since access by reservation must be guaranteed, the aim is to create a digital platform which will be managed by the Region in collaboration with the owners of the plants.

Also in Lazio the activities of the bathing establishments will start on 29 May. But as of May 18 the beaches have been reopened for walks, water sports and motor activities.

The Apulian beaches can reopen from Monday 25 May, while Campania does not yet have a date. In Calabria, the bathing season started again on May 20 and June 6 will open that of Sicily, where the beaches are open for walks and water sports.

Lastly, even in Sardinia the beaches have been accessible since May 18, but bathing is not yet allowed. Governor Christian Solinas is working on a plan to ensure safe entry to the island thanks to “a health passport”, which we will better understand how it works in the coming days.

Pending the reopening of mobility between the regions and internationally, the swimming season for residents in some areas has already started or is about to begin. Crossing your fingers, from next month it will be possible for everyone to choose to spend a beach holiday in a different place from their region and we will return to almost normal.

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