The Minister for Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani, and the Minister for Youth Policy, Fabiana Dadone, have signed a memorandum of understanding for the promotion of the “Environmental and Sustainable Development Civil Service”, which provides for programmes and projects aimed at the green revolution and ecological transition as part of the Universal Civil Service. Ten million euros are provided by the Mite for the year 2022 and another ten million euros for 2021 are allocated by the Department for Youth Policies.
As stated in the two-year protocol, the experimental framework programme entitled ‘Civil environmental service and sustainable development’ is intended to:
- increase the number of voluntary workers to be employed, also in support of local authorities, in specific intervention programmes and projects dedicated to environmental issues and ecological transition;
- enhancing the knowledge of voluntary workers on environmental issues related to sustainability and ecological transition through dedicated training;
- to enhance, on an experiential level, the skills of volunteer operators on green economy issues, also with reference to the new professionalism required in sectors such as the protection and enhancement of biodiversity, the fight against food waste, the promotion of renewable energies, the development of new environmental technologies, digitalisation, the circular economy, the bio-economy, the protection of the marine-coastal heritage, the blue economy, the fight against marine litter, Green Public Procurement and Minimum Environmental Criteria, environmental education and sustainable development;
- directing young people towards green jobs, with particular reference to female employment;
- employ young volunteer operators in actions and services aimed at implementing the actions included in the National, Regional and Local Strategies for Sustainable Development, in particular for private organisations and public administrations.
The Ministry for Ecological Transition, making use of the ministerial structures, as well as the supervised research bodies, undertakes to carry out training activities for volunteer operators using, in addition to internal expertise, the Istituto Superiore di Protezione e Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA), the Sistema Nazionale per la Protezione Ambientale (SNPA), universities and public research centres and recognised environmental protection associations. - to promote, through young volunteer operators, educational activities aimed at the community or particular categories, with the intention of caring for the dissemination of the culture of environmental and social sustainability on green economy issues;
- employ young volunteer operators in actions and services aimed at implementing the actions included in the National, Regional and Local Strategies for Sustainable Development, in particular for private organisations and public administrations.
The Ministry for Ecological Transition, making use of the ministerial structures, as well as the supervised research bodies, undertakes to carry out training activities for volunteer operators using, in addition to internal expertise, the Istituto Superiore di Protezione e Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA), the Sistema Nazionale per la Protezione Ambientale (SNPA), universities and public research centres and recognised environmental protection associations.