Raise your hand if you associate the sea with summer! Well, I see several lifts. I am pleased because I have one more reason to let you enter the world of the islands in winter, out of season. Too many...
Linked since the late Villanovan period, the centers of Bolsena and Orvieto present a vast wealth of natural landscapes and historical-cultural treasures. The union between the natural element and the anthropic element is very close, which will make the...
Dante's Way is a ring route that runs through medieval roads and paths, linked to the life and experience of the poet's exile, which united Romagna and the Casentino. It is a naturalistic, cultural and literary journey; quotes and parts...
A journey through the scents and colors of aromatic herbs: here is MAPPAE (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Pathways Across Europe), the project that focuses on the rediscovery of herbs typical of the areas surrounding the Mediterranean. Twelve tourist itineraries in...
In 2020, the general crisis due to the coronavirus emergency led to a rediscovery of the stay outside the traditional tourist circuits as a new form of holiday in the name of safety and proximity, this is the picture...
Silence, white landscapes, mountains covered with snow as far as the eye can see. These are the first images that come to mind when we think of snowshoes which this year, thanks to Covid-19 and the closure of the...
The word “overtourism” is a neologism that does not yet appear in all dictionaries. To give us a definition is the Oxford Dictionary which speaks of "an excessive number of tourist visits to a popular destination or attraction, with...
There is a network of women on the move who, backpacking, travel the length and breadth of Italy, often alone at other times in company and, step by step, find themselves, meet new people, experience freedom. How many women...
Exposing yourself to the sun correctly is essential to avoid the risk of melanoma, but not all sunscreens are safe for our skin and, above all, for the environment. The chemicals contained in solar products, in fact, contribute to...
Disposable plastic bags were banned in 2017 and in November the entry into force of a law prohibited the use of any disposable plastic object for the consumption of food and drinks. In addition, the Aruba government has banned...