Thanks to new data made available by the latest satellite campaigns, it is now possible to observe the changes in snow and vegetation cover associated with climate change and how they have modified the amount of solar radiation reflected...
A high-tech laboratory for the study of algae, bryozoans, molluscs and corals, organisms that are still 'little considered' but are extremely important for climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, is being set up in the waters of Santa Teresa...
For the first time, thanks to the analysis of an ice core taken from the east coast of Greenland, in Renland, the history of forest fires in Iceland over the last 5,000 years has been reconstructed. The discovery was...
In 2020, the oceans reached the highest global average temperature ever recorded. This is what is evidenced by the study of an international team of scientists including Italian researchers ENEA and INGV, which also shows that the five warmest...
The fight against climate change also involves the planting of new trees. In particular, a generation of plants with a low chlorophyll content could be the winning weapon for containing temperature and climate change. The development of modern human societies...
A study, published in the international journal Nature Plants, by young researchers from the Water Research Institute of the National Research Council in Verbania (CNR-Irsa), the University of Turin, the Federico II University in Naples, the Museum of Natural...
A few days ago, five hundred scientists, including many Italians, sent a letter to five world-famous political leaders (the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen; the president of the European Council, Charles Michael; the president of...
If managed differently, the EU’s forests could absorb twice as much CO2 every year, according to new research by Naturwald Akademie. The study, commissioned by Greenpeace Germany, found that if logging in Europe’s forests was reduced by a...
It is called ENEA-RegESM (Regional Earth System Model) and is able to simulate the atmosphere-ocean dynamics in relation to the physical and biological processes occurring on the Earth's surface, such as heat fluxes, CO2 absorption by the Earth's ecosystems...
Innovative magnetic nanoparticles of iron oxide, coated with a biocompatible polymeric coating, capable of removing heavy metal ions from water: the development of materials science plays a crucial role in sustainable development and ecological transition.Thanks to the design and...