Thousands of hectares of forest are burning in the Mediterranean Basin. In Italy and more in general in Europe, several wildfires lead to the destruction and decline of important forest heritages that host a wide variety of vegetal species,...
The Bosco Pantano forest represents the last strip of lowland forest in southern Italy, 'a fossil' that has escaped the wild reclamation and agricultural intensification that affected the Lucanian territory in the last century. Located on the hydrographic left...
Quantum mechanics has remained an enigma for physicists and philosophers worldwide for more than a century. Quantum teleportation or the famous entanglement, described by Einstein as 'uncanny action at a distance', are among the anti-intuitive effects predicted by this...
It is called ENEA-RegESM (Regional Earth System Model) and is able to simulate the atmosphere-ocean dynamics in relation to the physical and biological processes occurring on the Earth's surface, such as heat fluxes, CO2 absorption by the Earth's ecosystems...
Depopulation and economic marginalisation of rural areas in Southern Europe have led to a progressive abandonment of agricultural land. The areas at highest risk of abandonment are those characterised by extensive grazing management which is highly dependent on the...
The cultural tradition of bearded strains, South American monkeys who use tools, risks disappearing due to the agricultural conversion of forest areas. The alarm was launched by a study conducted in collaboration between the Cnr Institute of Sciences and...
Not only solar radiation and temperature. In the Arctic tundra, soil moisture and the abundance and type of vegetation control the exchange of CO2 between soil, vegetation and atmosphere. This is the conclusion of a study carried out by...
An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 was recorded in Turkey on 6 February 2023 and affected a large area in south-eastern Anatolia, on the border with Syria. This event was replicated about 9 hours later by another tremor...
Animals find it increasingly difficult to mate and reproduce, often due to man and his habits. Among these causes of disturbance to animal love, climate change comes first, but also deforestation, noise, light and plastic pollution, poaching play decisive...
In recent years, Mediterranean areas, although considered rather resistant to drought events, have been characterised by increasingly frequent and important drought events. In particular, forests are among the ecosystems most significantly impacted, especially if drought occurs during a prolonged...