The Mt. Etna is the biggest European volcano and one of the most active volcanos of the world; localized in eastern Sicily, it elevates until 3320 m a.s.l. (in 2019) but its altitude and morphology of the top of...
In urban areas, settlement expansion and landscape transformations are intimately associated, involving multiple domains: ecology, spatial planning, economic issues and social aspects. Contemporary urbanisation, especially in advanced economies, has progressively deviated from typical ideal city models in which population...
“Too precious to lose” is the slogan for the 2020 edition of the International Day of Forests promoted by ONU, which highlights the indissoluble union between forests and biodiversity. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)...
A study, published in the international journal Nature Plants, by young researchers from the Water Research Institute of the National Research Council in Verbania (CNR-Irsa), the University of Turin, the Federico II University in Naples, the Museum of Natural...
The age of trees and forest stands, as a result of past forest management that has shaped their diversity and structural and physiological characteristics, significantly influences the functioning of these ecosystems, and conditions their ability to mitigate climate change.
Increase the availability of water and reduce the use of tankers: these are the objectives of the ENEA expert team, which has developed a multidisciplinary methodology that allows you to estimate the quality and quantity of potentials water reserves...
Two black holes, hundreds of millions of times more massive than the Sun, separated by a distance only a thousand times greater than that between the Earth and our star, and linked in an inexorable dance of approach which,...
Big times for tree lovers. From reforestation apps aiming to become the ‘Tinder for trees’, to Trump’s commitment to join the One Trillion Trees Initiative, this year has seen a real boost in governments and start-ups’ efforts to repopulate...
The profile of a Forestry graduate originated approximately three centuries ago when, in 1713, Hanns Carl von Carlowitz, a forestry accountant, published "Silvicoltura Economica (Economic Silviculture)", in which he revealed the necessity to recognize the above-mentioned figure, by stating...
The Arctic Ocean began warming rapidly at the beginning of the 20th century, decades earlier than modern experimental measurements have so far documented. The news comes from an international research group coordinated by the Institute of Polar Science (Cnr-Isp)...