Big times for tree lovers. From reforestation apps aiming to become the ‘Tinder for trees’, to Trump’s commitment to join the One Trillion Trees Initiative, this year has seen a real boost in governments and start-ups’ efforts to repopulate...
Several studies in 2020 analysed the variation of tropospheric ozone (O3) as a function of the restriction measures put in place to contain the spread of VOCID-19. Most of these these studies have been conducted mainly in urban or...
From waste to resource, from problem to opportunity. The volcanic ashes of Etna, which have fallen abundantly especially on the foothills in recent weeks as a result of the volcano's frequent paroxysms, could be used for various applications in...
Forests are essential for our environment, society and economy. Beyond mitigating climate change and natural disasters, forests are also crucial ecosystems for biological diversity. However, these ecosystems serve other valuable functions, including soil conservation, water cycle regulation, carbon storage,...
Quantum mechanics has remained an enigma for physicists and philosophers worldwide for more than a century. Quantum teleportation or the famous entanglement, described by Einstein as 'uncanny action at a distance', are among the anti-intuitive effects predicted by this...
The transition to an economy based on renewable energy sources requires the use of electrochemical methods to convert electrical energy into chemical energy and raw materials. A group of researchers from the Berlin Polytechnic, the Zurich Polytechnic, the Materials...
The fight against climate change also involves the planting of new trees. In particular, a generation of plants with a low chlorophyll content could be the winning weapon for containing temperature and climate change. The development of modern human societies...
In urban areas, settlement expansion and landscape transformations are intimately associated, involving multiple domains: ecology, spatial planning, economic issues and social aspects. Contemporary urbanisation, especially in advanced economies, has progressively deviated from typical ideal city models in which population...
Polycentrism is a morphological-functional trait of the world's territorial systems. Polycentric regions are characterised by the fact that they do not have a single urban centre as they are predominantly organised in several centres with similar demographic and socio-economic...
The Bosco Pantano forest represents the last strip of lowland forest in southern Italy, 'a fossil' that has escaped the wild reclamation and agricultural intensification that affected the Lucanian territory in the last century. Located on the hydrographic left...