In recent years, Mediterranean areas, although considered rather resistant to drought events, have been characterised by increasingly frequent and important drought events. In particular, forests are among the ecosystems most significantly impacted, especially if drought occurs during a prolonged...
The Bosco Pantano forest represents the last strip of lowland forest in southern Italy, 'a fossil' that has escaped the wild reclamation and agricultural intensification that affected the Lucanian territory in the last century. Located on the hydrographic left...
The calabro-lucanian boundary area geologically represents a key zone for understanding the orogenetic processes in this Apenninic sector and, at a bigger scale, the Mediterranean geodynamic processes. The Pollino Massif is a National Park from 1993, characterised by 192.565...
The current climate crisis reminds us, every day, how vital it is to manage sustainably the consumption of energy and resources in favour of savings. Although it may be a subject that can raise awareness more or less all,...
The climate changes had an increasing interest in the public opinion, just as meteorological events related to the global warming, that always more frequently determine huge damages and human victims. More attentions are dedicated to the growing influx of...
The United Nations decided to dedicate the decade 2021-2030 to the 'restoration of ecosystems on every continent and every ocean'. Indeed, damaged ecosystems’ rehabilitation could actually play an essential role in the fight against poverty and climate change. In this...
In urban areas, settlement expansion and landscape transformations are intimately associated, involving multiple domains: ecology, spatial planning, economic issues and social aspects. Contemporary urbanisation, especially in advanced economies, has progressively deviated from typical ideal city models in which population...
From waste to resource, from problem to opportunity. The volcanic ashes of Etna, which have fallen abundantly especially on the foothills in recent weeks as a result of the volcano's frequent paroxysms, could be used for various applications in...
The old-growth forests constitute a heritage of inestimable ecological and environmental value, as they represent small vestiges of how Europe's past primeval forest may have looked. The characteristics that distinguish an old-growth forest are typical of the final stages...
Microplastics are plastic fragments with a diameter of less than 5 mm, nanoplastics are even smaller, with diameters less than 0.050 mm. Although there is no scientific evidence of the consequences on human health, research on wild animals and...