Researchers from the Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems 'Eduardo Caianiello' of the National Research Council (CNR-Isasi), in collaboration with the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station in Naples (Szn), have developed an optical test for the detection of the...
The calabro-lucanian boundary area geologically represents a key zone for understanding the orogenetic processes in this Apenninic sector and, at a bigger scale, the Mediterranean geodynamic processes. The Pollino Massif is a National Park from 1993, characterised by 192.565...
Artificial intelligence will be used for the first time in Antarctica as a tool to count and classify Adelia penguins living near Italy's Mario Zucchelli Station. This is envisioned by a methodology developed by ENEA that brings together drones,...
Depopulation and economic marginalisation of rural areas in Southern Europe have led to a progressive abandonment of agricultural land. The areas at highest risk of abandonment are those characterised by extensive grazing management which is highly dependent on the...
Floods represent one of the most common and most impactful natural disasters worldwide. During the first two decades of the 2000s, floods alone caused $651 billion in economic damage and these losses are expected to increase further in the...
Forests are essential for our environment, society and economy. Beyond mitigating climate change and natural disasters, forests are also crucial ecosystems for biological diversity. However, these ecosystems serve other valuable functions, including soil conservation, water cycle regulation, carbon storage,...
The cultural tradition of bearded strains, South American monkeys who use tools, risks disappearing due to the agricultural conversion of forest areas. The alarm was launched by a study conducted in collaboration between the Cnr Institute of Sciences and...
“Too precious to lose” is the slogan for the 2020 edition of the International Day of Forests promoted by ONU, which highlights the indissoluble union between forests and biodiversity. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)...
If managed differently, the EU’s forests could absorb twice as much CO2 every year, according to new research by Naturwald Akademie. The study, commissioned by Greenpeace Germany, found that if logging in Europe’s forests was reduced by a...
Thanks to new data made available by the latest satellite campaigns, it is now possible to observe the changes in snow and vegetation cover associated with climate change and how they have modified the amount of solar radiation reflected...