A 2,500-kilometer journey at a mule's pace, to go up the Peninsula from South to North, crossing rural Italy and telling the stories of laborers, breeders and artisans. This is the fulcrum of the Woodvivors project - Italy at...
A journey through the scents and colors of aromatic herbs: here is MAPPAE (Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Pathways Across Europe), the project that focuses on the rediscovery of herbs typical of the areas surrounding the Mediterranean. Twelve tourist itineraries in...
These are days when talking about tourism has become really complicated. If in the first months of the health emergency there was a great excitement and a great desire to take back time, nature and life, after a year...
In Veneto there is a new path that crosses villages, vineyards and hills. It is the Way of Bardolino, a network of cycle and pedestrian routes that will lead you to discover the territories around Lake Garda famous for...
Walking, you know, is good for the body and also for the mind, because it reconciles reflection, but what if it also serves to improve the environment? We cannot think of eating well without taking care of the area...
When tackling a trek, even if during the day and on not too demanding routes, it is good to have a series of essential items in your backpack, which could be useful in case of unexpected events. The list...
In 2020, the general crisis due to the coronavirus emergency led to a rediscovery of the stay outside the traditional tourist circuits as a new form of holiday in the name of safety and proximity, this is the picture...
Snow industry and climate change are allies in transforming the face of the mountains and making them no longer the place of nature and sustainable tourism but the place, too often, of degradation and abandonment. Overcoming the monoculture of alpine...
In recent years, the idea of ​​sustainable tourism in contact with nature has spread, to rediscover unspoiled places and travel respecting the environment. Green and zero-impact locations are increasingly sought after, but above all people want to immerse themselves...
The ancient tradition of drying chestnuts is still carried on with passion in the heart of Tuscany, where the dryers are at work to make what is also known as the Bread of the Mountain. ⁠The chestnut harvest starts in...