Joe Biden's victory is the victory of the environment. One of the first steps of the newly elected president will be the re-entry of the United States into the Paris climate agreement, signed by Obama in 2015. The task...
A united Mediterranean is needed to reduce marine litter. Not only in the practices of correct waste management and disposal, but also and above all in the policies to be adopted, networking and also replicating the good networking practices...
"Worse than this crisis there is only the drama of wasting it." A beginning of hope, that of Ermete Realacci, president of the Symbola Foundation who cites Pope Francis presenting the 11th edition of the GreenItaly Report "An economy...
Over half of the world’s population now lives in cities. With that number expected to rise to 68 percent by 2050, urbanisation is one of the world’s most transformative trends. Cities are already responsible for 70 percent of global waste...
How Puglia was and how it became after the devastation of the olive trees due to Xylella is the theme of a docu-film made by Paola Ghislieri who lives in Geneva but with roots and heart in her region...
There are 598 Waste Free Municipalities, those where each citizen produces a maximum of 75 kilos of dry residue per year: 51 more than last year. And this is really good news, especially when you consider that the greatest...
A fire of vast proportions is devouring the forests and steppe environments of Kilimanjaro, at 3,700 meters, in one of the most precious areas for the planet's biodiversity. In all likelihood, the fires were spread by the fire lit...
Italy has slowed down the pace of decarbonisation. After a decade of good performance on the emission side (-27% of greenhouse gases from 2005 to 2014), the national climate fight has pulled the brakes. And in the years from...
Artisanal salinas across the Mediterranean today face critical times. Confronted with salt-production industrialisation, urbanisation-imposed pressure, and stressful competition from cheaper in-land producers, shoreline salinas are struggling to remain economically viable. These sites are landscapes of amazingly high value and relevance,...
Researchers and fishermen allied in a project to monitor, collect and assess the impact of waste at sea and its effects on fish species. The AdriCleanFish research project is funded by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies...