In 2020, the oceans reached the highest global average temperature ever recorded. This is what is evidenced by the study of an international team of scientists including Italian researchers ENEA and INGV, which also shows that the five warmest...
Innovative magnetic nanoparticles of iron oxide, coated with a biocompatible polymeric coating, capable of removing heavy metal ions from water: the development of materials science plays a crucial role in sustainable development and ecological transition.Thanks to the design and...
Thousands of hectares of forest are burning in the Mediterranean Basin. In Italy and more in general in Europe, several wildfires lead to the destruction and decline of important forest heritages that host a wide variety of vegetal species,...
The melting of ice across the planet is accelerating at a record rate, with the melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets speeding up the fastest, research has found. The rate of loss is now in line with the...
Two black holes, hundreds of millions of times more massive than the Sun, separated by a distance only a thousand times greater than that between the Earth and our star, and linked in an inexorable dance of approach which,...
The growing use of nitrogen fertilizers in the worldwide food production is increasing atmospheric concentrations of nitrous oxide—the third most important long-lived greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), which contributes to the reduction of stratospheric ozone....
The surface of the Sun is dotted with countless eruptions reminiscent of bonfires, never seen before and revealed by the images sent by the Solar Orbiter probe, managed by the European Space Agency (ESA) in collaboration with NASA. Launched...
Quantum mechanics has remained an enigma for physicists and philosophers worldwide for more than a century. Quantum teleportation or the famous entanglement, described by Einstein as 'uncanny action at a distance', are among the anti-intuitive effects predicted by this...
The transition to an economy based on renewable energy sources requires the use of electrochemical methods to convert electrical energy into chemical energy and raw materials. A group of researchers from the Berlin Polytechnic, the Zurich Polytechnic, the Materials...
Several studies in 2020 analysed the variation of tropospheric ozone (O3) as a function of the restriction measures put in place to contain the spread of VOCID-19. Most of these these studies have been conducted mainly in urban or...