How much waste do we produce in Italy? And every citizen? How does the separate collection proceed? These questions are answered by the “Municipal waste report” of Ispra. As regards production, there is a slight decrease in 2019 compared...
We are all responsible for the pollution of our planet, but the richest people pollute more than others to maintain their lifestyle. This is what emerges from the “Changing our ways? Behavior change and the climate crisis" of the...
Grass straws come directly from Vietnam and are 100% biodegradable. The producer is Tran Minh Tien that make them with the stems of the "Lepironia articulata", very common in the Mekong Delta region where the businessman lives. This type of grass is perfect...
Italy aims to become a green pioneer in Europe and wants to invest 70 billion euros to achieve this goal. This is why Prime Minister Draghi has appointed the physicist Cingolani as super minister for the environment. How will...
The highest concentration of microplastics ever discovered in the Tyrrhenian Sea. The alarm was launched by the "Seafloor microplastic hotspots controlled by deep-sea circulation" study, published in Science, according to which the Tyrrhenian Sea hosts a much higher quantity...
After electric bicycles, shared electric scooters arrive in Rome. According to the mayor Virginia Raggi, they will be around 16 thousand throughout the city and they will be deployed in a short time to meet the needs of the...
FederBio, which has subscribed to Slow Food's Wine Manifesto for production based on respect for the land and biodiversity, enhancing the identity of local agricultural systems, is a partner in the event conceived by Slow Food and organised by...
A little over seven years. That's the time we have left to stop climate change and limit carbon dioxide emissions before it reaches a point of no return. The count down was initiated in New York by the Climate Clock,...
Trento, Mantua, Bolzano, Pordenone and Parma are the cities at the top of the 2019 Urban Ecosystem ranking, the research of Legambiente, Ambiente Italia and Il Sole 24 Ore on the environmental performance. Trento rises from fourth to first place followed by...
Italy has 10 years to regenerate its nature, and recompose its great mosaic of biodiversity. This is the spirit with which WWF launches a new campaign, 'ReNature Italy'; it is a great project for the nature of our country...