Save On Energy: online video streaming harm the environment

It’s difficult to imagine life without Netflix - few could have predicted that the DVD mail rental service would grow into the Oscar-winning entertainment behemoth it now...

Separate collection: how to recycle paper waste

Paper can live almost indefinitely, just separate them carefully, not throwing them in the undifferentiated. In fact, paper more than a waste represents a wealth for the environment and its recovery...

Here is the ‘smart’ label for checking the conservation of products

Italy is at the forefront when it comes to green innovation and sustainable materials. In particular, research is making progress in the field of new technologies for food preservation. Italian research...

Traveling on the sofa: around the world with the Italian Sto Gran Tour

The Covid-19 emergency is straining our lives and normalcy seems like an unexpected dream. It is necessary for our mind to be able to transform the passing time into...

Hand sanitizer or hand washing: which is better against coronavirus

Among the many tips issued by the World Health Organization to prevent contagion from coronavirus, there is to wash your hands frequently, for at least 40-60 seconds and, in...

Precious water: in Italy an investment of 7.2 billion to combat drought

Water is a precious asset and must not be wasted, especially in times of drought such as those we are about to experience. The scarcity of the winter rains and the...