Patents, innovative solutions and methodologies to maximize the recovery and valorization of materials in end-of-life photovoltaic panels and make them available to industry. These are some of ENEA's achievements in the area of recovery of materials, including critical materials,...
Developing a new process for the recovery of high-value materials and metals from end-of-life mobile phones with a view to the circular economy. This is the aim of the PORTENT project, co-financed by the Lazio Region with about 140,000...
The three-year campaign co-funded by the EU with the aim of transferring the benefits of organic food for people's health and the environment, raising awareness of a more ethical and healthy consumption, supports the main events of the Festa...
Proper separate collection is good for the environment and the economy. To emphasize the importance of recycling and raise awareness of citizens and institutions in environmental protection, the Global Recycling Foundation has set up the world recycling day which...
"In our country, approximately one person in two owns a car, i.e. 666 cars for every 1,000 inhabitants, a figure that puts Italy in second place in Europe for the highest motorisation rate, after Luxembourg," explains Roberta Roberto, ENEA...
In the new WWF #ThePandaWeAreWe video, there is a scene of shopping sprees, reminiscent of Black Friday, the discount period. Some people are competing, literally tearing cheap clothes out of their hands, as if being able to grab them...
M.A.D.I. is the Italian wooden house, it is ecological and easy to assemble. This house is an innovative housing solution that combines comfort and respect for the environment and nature. The project, created by Area Legno, was conceived and...
Credit cards or cash? Often the choice is linked only to a question of comfort but from today we will have one more reason to prefer credit or debit cards: they reduce CO2 emissions and help the environment. This...
Consumers are increasingly attentive to the environmental issue and push companies to achieve and, consequently communicate, not only economic, but also environmental and social results. However, some companies, considering the economic and social advantages obtainable from a company policy...
The report, in general, is a representation of what the company achieves. It is a tool for representing the virtuous actions/activities implemented by the company and should be seen as a new opportunity and way of doing business.Reputation, sustainability,...