In recent years, Mediterranean areas, although considered rather resistant to drought events, have been characterised by increasingly frequent and important drought events. In particular, forests are among the ecosystems most significantly impacted, especially if drought occurs during a prolonged...
Not only solar radiation and temperature. In the Arctic tundra, soil moisture and the abundance and type of vegetation control the exchange of CO2 between soil, vegetation and atmosphere. This is the conclusion of a study carried out by...
The geothermal energy is a possible source of provisions, using the inner heat of the Earth and reprenents an effective option Geothermal energy is a possible source of energy supply that exploits the Earth's internal heat and is, in...
According to a study published in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, in 2021 ocean temperatures set a new record, reaching the hottest values ever measured for the sixth consecutive year; and, even more alarming is the situation of...
Depopulation and economic marginalisation of rural areas in Southern Europe have led to a progressive abandonment of agricultural land. The areas at highest risk of abandonment are those characterised by extensive grazing management which is highly dependent on the...
Climate change is a complex phenomenon involving a wide range of interactions between extreme climate events and natural and anthropogenic components. Severe weather events affected large forest areas in the last decades, changing the ability to provide ecosystem services...
The Arctic Ocean began warming rapidly at the beginning of the 20th century, decades earlier than modern experimental measurements have so far documented. The news comes from an international research group coordinated by the Institute of Polar Science (Cnr-Isp)...
The old-growth forests constitute a heritage of inestimable ecological and environmental value, as they represent small vestiges of how Europe's past primeval forest may have looked. The characteristics that distinguish an old-growth forest are typical of the final stages...
The health of forests is becoming increasingly vulnerable. The causes of this phenomenon are different: from the increasingly frequent and intense extreme climatic events to human mismanagement. In recent decades the forest decline phenomena have been reported across the...
For the first time, thanks to the analysis of an ice core taken from the east coast of Greenland, in Renland, the history of forest fires in Iceland over the last 5,000 years has been reconstructed. The discovery was...