Traveling by plane, train or automobile: the most environmentally sound choice may not always be clear. The latest annual Transport and Environment Report 2020 (TERM) addresses the issue assessing the value of travel by train and plane, amid efforts...
Arctic is in full climatic emergency. It has been over a month now that the fires are devastating vast areas of Siberia and Alaska, beyond the Arctic Circle. Greenland is also involved to a lesser extent. The worst situation is...
Europe says stop to the use of disposable plastic. The European Parliament approved a package of measures that will ban disposable items by 2021. The new directive become definitive in 2021 and prohibit Member States to use a series of disposable plastic items...
Background The effects of climate change on Swiss glaciers caused by global warming, which is in turn caused by high greenhouse gas emissions, primarily carbon dioxide, are increasingly evident. Glaciers have been retreating gradually for the past century, with a...
By 2050 we may have 30% less polar bears. The main cause is the climate change caused by human activities, which is making its habitat increasingly fragile. The survival of this majestic species is seriously threatened. The WWF remembers...
In order to contribute to the knowledge and protection of pollinating insects, which are now more threatened than ever, a group of young researchers, led by Prof. Andrea Di Giulio, and composed of PhD students, scholarship holders and students...
Italy ever greener: woods and forests today occupy 11.4 million hectares, almost 40% of the national surface: 9.6 million are forests, 1.8 million other wooded areas. In the last 5 years, the percentage increase is 2.9%, in the last...
In just 50 years, 2 billion to 3.5 billion people, mostly the poor who can't afford air conditioning, will be living in a climate that historically has been too hot to handle, a new study said. In an unusual way...
It is an Italian device, the only one in the world to automatically control the Green Pass, the presence of the mask, the temperature, and to disinfect hands and feet. It is a revolutionary invention, because in addition to...
Ice on fire is the new documentary produced by Leonardo DiCaprio on climate change. It is a journey around the world to discover innovative solutions to slow down global warming, in particular reducing CO2 emissions. From Norway to Alaska,...