The Ministry of the Environment as we knew it has changed its face and name. From now on it will be called the Ministry of Ecological Transition and will be led by Roberto Cingolani. The Milanese physicist, born in...
Venice is the Italian city most exposed to air pollution by cruise ships. The lagoon city ranks third overall in the ranking compiled by Transport & Environment that, in its report, examined 50 European port cities. In absolute terms,...
Only yesterday, UNEP, in its latest Climate Adaptation Gap Report, showed how the world is not taking the impacts of the climate crisis seriously due to slow progress in financing, planning and implementing adaptation measures. A state of grave emergency...
Over half of the world’s population now lives in cities. With that number expected to rise to 68 percent by 2050, urbanisation is one of the world’s most transformative trends. Cities are already responsible for 70 percent of global waste...
A special submarine laboratory installed by ENEA at a depth of over 25 metres in the waters of the Ross Sea, in Antarctica, has made it possible to acquire data on temperature, pH, oxygen, salinity and pressure that make...
Over the last few decades, car manufacturers have gone to great lengths to demonstrate that they understand the threat their products pose to society by promoting “greener” vehicles at motor shows or advertising that their huge concern for our wellbeing, especially that...
From California to Greece, from South America to Siberia, from Egypt to Sicily, from Turkey to Calabria and Sardinia, fires are marking this summer 2021. Ironically, these phenomena are occurring just as the most worrying of the six reports...
On 14th January, the new rules on single-use plastics came into force in Italy, implementing the European Directive Sup. The application methods defined by the Government contradict the provisions of the European Union, distorting the structure of the Directive....
Coca-Cola was found to be the most polluted brand in the world for the second year in a row, according to a global audit of collected plastic trash conducted by the Break Free From Plastic global movement, as The Intercept reported. While Nestle,...
WWF-Australia is greatly saddened by the loss of life in the bushfire tragedy gripping Australia. The fires have also been devasting for Australia’s wildlife and wild places, as massive areas of native bushland, forests and parks have been scorched. “Our hearts go...