Ecological transition, does a new super-ministry really make sense?

In the new issue of our magazine we talk about ecological transition and much more


The environment is at a turning point. With Mario Draghi as Italian Prime Minister, a new era is opening for the ecological transition, invoked by many and made necessary to truly build a greener world, attentive to respect for nature and its inhabitants, and capable of to face the challenges of climate change and the containment of the temperature, as foreseen by the Paris Agreement on climate.

Well, the green turning point may have arrived, with the establishment of the Ministry for Ecological Transition. An idea was born of the leader of the Cinque Stelle party, Beppe Grillo, and endorsed by environmental associations and by Draghi himself, who would have given the go ahead for the creation of this new super ministry.

What will it do? Essentially, managing a good chunk of the recovery fund’s € 209 billion. In fact, Europe’s money will largely go to policies for innovation and development sustainability. It would bring together the ministry of economic development and that of the environment, but there are also those who speak of the ministry of transport and infrastructure. It is not yet clear whether a technician or a politician will lead him.

Not bad, although in reality the ecological transition already exists as a department of the Ministry of the Environment. Does it really make sense to set up a new department with a pompous name or would it not be better to implement the skills and actions of the existing department?

We at SmartGreen Post are always sceptical of big claims if they do not translate into concrete commitment in favour of the sectors that most need to be protected and implemented for the true green transition: we think about the fight against climate change, the circular economy and sustainable mobility, the safeguarding of Italian natural capital and biodiversity, agriculture.

While waiting to understand what will happen, we would like to thank Minister Sergio Costa. The SmartGreen Post adventure started during his mandate and we appreciated his work and initiatives for the environment, that returned to the center of the political agenda, obtaining the space it always deserved. The promises have been turned into concrete actions and we hope that this will continue to be the case, regardless of who leads the ministry and what name it will have. Because the only thing we really care about is our home, Planet Earth.

In the new issue of our magazine we talk about ecological transition and much more.

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