Happy Easter from SmartGreen Post

Our wish that this Easter really marks a rebirth, a return to a more authentic and natural life, to build a green future together


Easter has a different flavor this year. Many will not eat the typical dishes they are used to eating on this occasion, families will not get together and many will spend the holidays alone. It is the fault of the coronavirus and the anti-contagion measures that keep us apart.

Yet Easter does not cease to be resurrection, life that is renewed, hope for the future. Indeed, never as in this 2020 and precisely because of the covid-19, nature is regaining the place it deserves. Flowers bloom in the most unexpected corners, animals roam free and undisturbed on the streets, the countryside teems with life. Greenhouse gas emissions have decreased, as have air pollution and energy consumption.

This Easter has a different scent, spring with its smells and colors invests us like never before and reminds us that health is the result of harmony with nature, that only by preserving the environment can we live well.

A precious lesson that we must not forget after the emergency but that we must make our own so that this Easter really marks a rebirth, a return to a more authentic and natural life, to build a green future together.

Happy Easter wishes from all the editorial staff of SmartGreen Post.

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