Eco-friendly and car-free living: Linda Maggiori’s choice

Interview with Linda Maggiore, author of the book Question of the future


Living an eco-sustainable life, using only the bicycle, eating zero kilometer products and exploiting energy from renewable sources, it is possible. How? Linda Maggiore explains it to us, author of the book Question of the future, who for the past 10 years has adopted a green lifestyle while continuing to live in her small town, Faenza, where her being ecological – and ecological – divides the population between apocalyptic and integrated.

“It is not always simple – Linda confesses to SmartGreen Post – Sometimes I am seen, together with my family, as an extremist but I know I am not alone because throughout Italy there is a network of families who like me respect the environment a creed. Since I started making sustainable choices, such as giving up cars, meat and large-scale retail products, the quality of my time has also improved. My husband and I work less and we are more dedicated to children, we volunteer. But it is not just a matter of witnessing through our way of life, we also try to awaken consciences and put pressure on institutions to put the environment at the center of their political action”.

In her latest book, Linda Maggiore talks about the great issues that every family faces, from the choice of home, to food, transport, clothing, hygiene.

“I have been telling what my life has been for about 10 years but supported by data and scientific evidence. For example, I explain how to live without a car and reduce waste; I’m talking about my restructuring experience based on ecological choices, how to make myself independent from fossil sources and gas, installing photovoltaic panels and a gray water recycling system that allows the recovery of waste water, which is filtered and can be used again for example, for the toilet or the washing machine. I also speak of power. I am vegan and my husband is vegetarian, we do not buy meat at home but we are not so strict with our children. As for the shopping, I use solidarity buying groups or buy at the fruit and vegetable market in the neighborhood where there are local farmers. I never go to the supermarket. My personal experience is accompanied by a more informative part on sustainability”.

In Question of the future we also talk about ethical finance, school life and awareness projects for children, green choices in relation to the growth of children, such as the use of diapers.

“My book is for everyone, for families and singles – explains Linda Maggiore – I address all issues of sustainability arguing that we must change our lifestyle and reduce our average ecological footprint. But the actions of individuals, however important they may be, are not enough. The time available to us is limited, we need laws to protect the planet. It is time for the rulers to understand it”.

Each of us can make a difference in everyday life but not everyone has the courage or the opportunity to do it in such a radical way. Linda says to them: “My husband and I also started with a small step. The most important thing is not to get discouraged and stay still. Let’s do the simplest things first: reduce meat, use the car less. Then let’s not stop, each step must take another. The key is openness to change and curiosity, we must let ourselves be surprised”.

A few days before Christmas, Linda Maggiore gives some advice on how to experience the holidays in an eco-friendly way. “Unfortunately, Christmas brings with it a trail of hyper-consumerism when sobriety and affection should be rediscovered. This year will be a special Christmas, to be lived in a more careful and contingent way, but we can certainly do something to make it sustainable. A few examples? Avoid buying online from large multinationals that are not good for the local economy and exploit workers and the environment. Better to opt for a few durable and ethical gifts. As for nutrition, limit unsustainable foods as much as possible and avoid waste. Try to travel by public transport and rediscover the beautiful things that are in your city”.

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