Benefits of walking: 10 reasons to walk


Have you ever thought about how much benefits walking brings? There are many advantages that come from a good walk, especially if repeated constantly. First of all, walking is good for the body and mind – it helps keep fit and improves self-confidence – but it is also good for the environment. The fight against climate change starts with small gestures and moving on foot certainly helps to reduce CO2 emissions and pollution.

Walking in contact with nature leads to a decrease in the formulation of negative thoughts and a positive change in mood. When we find ourselves immersed in nature, among trees and greenery, our heart rate slows down, pressure drops and mood improves quickly. It therefore appears that there is a connection between the experience of nature and mental health.

But the increasing urbanization and hectic pace of life often prevent us from enjoying nature. So what do you do? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it takes about 10,000 steps a day to benefit from the walk, approximately 7km. For those who carry out sedentary activities or for those who have no time to go to the gym, it is essential to take at least half an hour of walking a day. This is enough to get the benefits of walking, which we see in detail here:

1. Walking improves self-confidence and mood – A British study shows how to walk in the green save from negative thoughts. But it also benefits self-confidence, because the achievement of goals increases self-confidence.

2. Walking helps to lose weight and tone the muscles – A brisk walk of at least 30 minutes, combined with a healthy and balanced diet, helps burn fat and lose weight, making you regain your weight and giving muscle tone.

3. Walking reduces cellulite – A sedentary lifestyle is the enemy of our physical form while walking keeps the circulation in check and helps to combat the unsightly orange peel effect derived from cellulite.

4. Walking train the heart – The heart is a muscle: the more it is trained, the stronger it becomes. You can walk at a steady pace or vary in intensity and slope. In this case also the heart rate will change, making the circulatory system more efficient and facilitating the oxygenation of your body.

5. If you walk, you get less sick – Improving the circulation will also improve the responsiveness of the immune system. Walking, in fact, increases the release of edorphins, stimulates the lymphatic system and decreases the level of stress, all of which help the immune system work more effectively.

6. Moving on foot reduces the risk of diabetes – Walking helps prevent not only joint, heart and lung problems, but speeds up the metabolism and reduces the risk of diabetes: a walk helps metabolize glucose and activates the whole body, making it work much faster and more fluidly.

7. Reduce the risk of breast cancer – According to a study published in the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, menopausal women who walk regularly at least 30 minutes a day reduce the risk of breast cancer by 10% compared to those who lead a Sedentary life.

8. Walking is good for the eyes – Generally we spend our time in front of a computer screen or in closed spaces where we strain our eyes. A walk in the open air helps to rest the eyes and exercise the view from afar.

9. Walking increases creativity – science has shown that an outdoor walk has the effect of enhancing creativity that persists even after the walk is over. So if you want to find creative solutions to everyday problems or simply want to find solutions, walking is the best activity.

10. Walking lengthens life – According to scientists with a regular 25-minute walk, you can extend your life from 3 to 7 years longer. In fact, walking halves the risk of heart attack after age 50 and reduces the possibility of getting sick, allowing you to lead a healthier and longer-lived life.

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