Recycling is a form of respect for the environment and also the best way to transform our waste into something new and still useful. Especially in the packaging sector, new recycling formulas are always being studied to make packaging sustainable but above all to give it new life once its primary use is exhausted.
With this in mind, Biopack was born, the sustainable egg pack developed by the Greek designer George Bosnas: thanks to a special material composed of paper pulp, flour, starch and organic legume seeds, Bosnas has created an egg container which, after use, it can be planted directly in the ground to give birth to small seedlings of legumes.
The Bosnas Biopack can hold up to 4 eggs and is rigid and compact enough to protect delicate foods from impact. Once emptied, the container can be placed in the ground or in a vase: by regularly watering it with a little water, the Biopack should decompose itself and make the legume seeds contained within it germinate.
The whole process takes less than 30 days; the cultivation of legumes, among other things, contributes to making the soil more fertile: among the properties of legumes, in fact, there is the characteristic of fixing nitrogen to the soil, a process that occurs thanks to the particular bacteria present in these plants.

The project was presented towards the end of May as part of the Mikser Festival in Belgrade, an exhibition dedicated to the themes of sustainable development and the circular economy, and was awarded the Young Balkan Designers 2019 award.
An approach that shifts the perspective with which to design the packaging of the future: from a disposable container (recyclable or not), whose life cycle involves complex recovery, disposal / conversion and re-placing on the market, to a resource that can be reused directly by the consumer.