Making innovative fabrics using the microplastics present in the Antarctic ice: this is the final aim of the Antartic Expeditions 2020 promoted by the Biella Section of the Italian Alpine Club, by the central CAI, by the National Research...
FSC celebrates sustainable furniture: FSC celebrates sustainable wood-furniture. This is the claim that inaugurates the first European edition of the competition created by the Forest Stewardship Council®, an international NGO that promotes the responsible management of the world's forests,...
2361/5000The tap water is good for the environment and the wallet, and is the result of long work in perfect optics of circular economy. What is it with Italians and bottled water? The quality of tap water in...
2020 is coming and it's time for analysis. For us, 2019 was the year zero, the one in which we decided to make our small contribution to the environment by putting ourselves at stake with what we know how to do: write...
Trento, Mantua, Bolzano, Pordenone and Parma are the cities at the top of the 2019 Urban Ecosystem ranking, the research of Legambiente, Ambiente Italia and Il Sole 24 Ore on the environmental performance. Trento rises from fourth to first place followed by...
The Natura 2000 network includes Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for the protection of birds under the Birds Directive and Sites of Community Importance (SCIs), later designated as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) for the conservation of habitats and species...
“Restore Our Earth”, we repair / rehabilitate our Earth. This is the theme of Earth Day, now in its 51st edition. The goal of Earth Day 2021, which is celebrated on April 22, is to raise awareness among citizens...
The hottest ticket in New York today is at the United Nations, where world leaders will hold a Climate Action Summit to address climate change. U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres bluntly told nations to "come with concrete plans" to ramp up commitments...
In Europe the recycling of WEEE, Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment is still low. Only a part is disposed of in an adequate manner while the rest is thrown into the common landfills once it is considered old,...
How Puglia was and how it became after the devastation of the olive trees due to Xylella is the theme of a docu-film made by Paola Ghislieri who lives in Geneva but with roots and heart in her region...